FALL UPDATE 🍁 New beginnings β™₯️

First things first:

  • get married. βœ…

  • release a couple more Ten2 Project Podcasts βœ…

  • work on some more musical projects βœ…

  • live an incredible life supported by the people around you βœ…

If you are reading this, I am SO thankful for you. My life that I am living is because of you. Thanks for letting me share and be a part of your life.

Lynna and I felt so loved at our rehearsal dinner. We had an incredible time with family and friends. Great food, fires, cool weather, and speeches from our closest friends and family.

Honeymoon in the Dominican

We were provided with our flights for free along with an incredible price to go to the Dominican Republic. We went to a beautiful beach for our honeymoon. It was an incredible start to our marriage.


…and the amazing new beginnings

The truth is, I have always had a place in my heart for music and producing. I never followed that desire though because I never had the guts to dive into the world of information that it is. Those days of fear are over. I majored in music business yet tried every other avenue to make money because I thought I couldn’t succeed in music. I tried becoming a personal trainer, a social media marketer, and tried every get rich quick scheme I could find. Yet, somehow I always was pointed back to music. I finally believe in myself.

Now, I have a desk and a space not only for the missions work I do every day, (LOTS of admin) but for creating and producing music. For the podcast for work, I created my brides processional song at this desk, I talk with dozens of people a month about serving in Europe at this desk. I prepare and pray at this desk. This desk is the beginning of a dream not only for my music, but for the kingdom of heaven.


Thank you

Looking to support the mission I am on? How?

  • Commit to pray and stay updated with my emails. You can subscribe below to this newsletter. I’ll never spam you or sell your email. Promise πŸ˜€

  • You can give financially! I have to raise thousands of $$$ each month, will you join my team?

  • YOU can GO! Email me back or text me 615-428-7964 if you are interested in serving in Europe.

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Nathan Mell