Europe is post-christian. Many know religion, but less than 2% of people claim to have a relationship with Jesus. There are beautiful people, beautiful buildings and architecture, and wonderful agriculture, but the spiritual need is so great and people simply are searching for something greater than themselves.
I have been blessed to serve churches in Europe and a common thing they always need is new believers, volunteers, & worship leaders. Always. I served at a church in 2019 with 30 members. They were using YouTube videos for worship before I arrived. I was fortunate to disciple and raise up two new local worship leaders for their church! If God can do it there, why won’t He do it over the rest of the continent? The change has already begun! One city at a time. This summer, worship leaders were challenged to go and serve in the Balkan region. The Lord is moving.
I believe that the Lord wants to use us to change that. To begin a worship movement in Europe that could change the continent forever.
People will respond to the gospel in Europe if they are loved where they are at. We believe that the gospel moves at the speed of relationships. While in Europe, it is my job and privilege to go into the communities and build relationships with people. To love them like Jesus does.
So how do we share the gospel to a region where 98% of people don’t know Jesus?
Where do we begin?
We start with raising up a generation. Raising up a generation that has experienced Jesus to go and live out the great commission. This past summer we sent 50+ young missionaries to Kosovo. We encountered a region that is unlike anything we have ever seen. We have the resources as Americans to go and make disciples who make disciples and preach the gospel to people who are searching for it.
My job is to inspire my generation to believe they can reach Europe and change the world.
Luke 10:2 ; Jesus said,
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the God of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.”
In 2022 we are praying and believing God to send young missionaries to 15 different cities in Europe! I am going to college campuses and speaking to classrooms full of students to inspire and cast the vision of joining this movement that will change Europe forever!
Sharing my heart and casting vision at Liberty University to a classroom of around 400 students.
How can you help us reach Europe?
You can start by praying everyday at 10:02am for God to send laborers into the harvest.
Praying for God to raise up worship leaders to be sent to Europe.
I also need monthly financial supporters
Click here to visit my support page
This is the chapel where Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses. He built his life on the firm foundation of Jesus. Ten2 missionaries agreeing with the same mission of carrying the gospel of Jesus all over Europe gathered for worship together. One of the most powerful moments in my life.