Winter Update!
PLENTY of new updates! 😎
The Ten2 Project is less than 100 days away. We have over 100 young adults looking to serve with us in Europe this summer!
Lynna and I are leading a trip to Viana, Spain in early May for the Long Hollow young adult community 🇪🇸
With both the Spain trip and the Ten2 Project, Lynna and I are looking to raise a significant amount of money for this summer. 10k to be exact. If you’d like to support our mission, you can give to our support account here.
I started a Patreon for my musical aspirations. Including a Thanksgiving EP and a 10 song album. People are already giving! Join my Patreon here. Memberships as low as $4 a month.
Marriage is great, fun, difficult, challenging, sacrificial, life giving, and many more things. What an amazing and purifying gift from God!
Ten2 Project
This is the bread and butter of my job. I host the Ten2 Project Podcast and recruit year round for this trip in the summer. This is my main gig. And this year, it’s going to be huge. The biggest summer we have had yet.
100+ young adults, 17 cities.
We announced placement this week for these young adults. The Lord is answering the 10:02 prayer we pray everyday. Amen!
We have 100 plus young adults going to 17 different cities in Europe. It got so large that we had to split the first training week into two locations. One location is Lyon, France and the other is Dragash, Kosovo. I have the privilege of leading this summer once more. I will get to lead the worship sessions in France for training week.
Join Lynna and I as we pray for where we are supposed to serve this summer. We aren’t exactly sure where we will be leading since so many students have signed up and are going!
New Music coming soon…
I released a couple of fun videos on social media and my YouTube channel. I got such a great response and it got me thinking… “Since I believe in myself now to actually start making music, I wonder if others would too?” It turns out, THEY DO! I have people giving to my Patreon account!
What is Patreon?
Picture this. Leonardo Da Vinci was able to create art because he had a group of people that believed in him. Now that art lives through generations. These people supported him financially so he could focus all of his time and energy on his art.
You all have been so generous. You have given so much to my ministry already, so thank you. I am not asking for you to give anymore than you already have. I am simply inviting you to join and support my music as well if you’d like to! I have people giving to both my ministry and music. Of course, my ministry for the Lord is priority in this season, but I wanted to find a way to support the gifts the Lord has blessed me with as well!
New Episodes of the Ten2 Project Podcast
WE HIT OVER 1500 downloads!
I made it a goal to have a new episode every two weeks (excluding the summer). You guys hold me accountable okay?
I decided that recording remotely is the way it has to be. I had some pride built up about only recording in person because of the quality of the episodes, but I still am learning about audio production. (AND I LOVE IT) I concluded that we can reach more people by bringing consistent episodes.
Other life updates.
My grandfather passed away. Please pray for my Dad and his family as they grieve. He was always kind to me. This hit my family very hard. So if you could pray for their understanding and peace, that would be amazing.
I sliced my finger and got stitches for the first time. A dumb accident on my part, but thank God for medicine and healthcare!
Lynna and I got COVID last month. Her second time and my first. We recovered well. Thanks for praying for us!
Our Christmas was fantastic. We hope yours was too.