Fall Update
Major Accomplishments this Fall:
750 Downloads on the Ten2 Project Podcast (click to listen)
I have been serving my local church and young adult ministry way more.
We got to mobilize College Students at First Baptist Cleveland despite social distancing and COVID-19. My team is still mobilizing and people are still saying yes to mission despite COVID!
We got goats and chickens on our property in TN.
My team and I went to Liberty University and recruited for a week despite social distancing and COVID-19. (We wore masks the whole time and socially distanced as well)
I am currently raising money for mens cancer awareness via “MOvember”. (hence the sad excuse for my mustache on my face!)
FAQ (in regards to my ministry)
Q: So what does next summer look like? Are you going to be in Europe?
A: We are mobilizing like we are going. Students are signing up and still saying yes. I actually have people already support raising for next summer! I pray that our country opens up and a vaccine is released. Once the USA opens up, Europe will ease their mind since our governmental influence on them is huge.
Q: What does your day to day look like with the work here in the United States?
A: Great question! It looks different each day. There is a lot of administration stuff we do. Lots of phone calls. Lots of emails in helping people will the process of getting to the field of Europe. We strategize on how to reach universities, build relationships, and plan for the future constantly. We are not only influencing people to go via personal relationship, we also help them get to the field via phone, email, and video meeting. Prayer and reading is part of my job also. Lots of prayer for Europe and lots of books on apologetics to help relate to the European. I am also studying other religions represented there so I can fully understand who I am witnessing to while on the field. This has come in handy right down the street in TN as well!
I work on building relationships with local churches and ministries also. I am trying to raise more support to survive as well. I eventually will have a wife, kids, a home, etc. That requires more long term funding.
Q: Which church do you serve at? Are you still playing music there?
A: I serve at Long Hollow in Hendersonville, TN and Gallatin, TN. I mostly serve at their Gallatin Campus since that is closer to home for me. I lead worship and sing there.
I also have been blessed with some wedding gigs and a bit of film scoring work. I think those can come in handy on the mission field someday as well, not only as a supplement of income for my family, but a witnessing tool for the saving work of Christ too!
This is Liberty University’s socially distanced campus community gathering of worship. I could not stop crying because of the worship that filled the stadium. What wrecked my emotions the most was seeing the deaf community all sitting together signing their worship to God. We may not be able to understand their worship, but God is the greatest at understanding sign language. He hears their worship.