Back to Europe - Spring Update 🌎
Lynna and I will be back overseas for most of this summer. We have been preparing for quite sometime for this journey and it begins in Spain.
Lynna was supposed to serve in Viana, Spain in 2020 with a missionary couple sent with GEM, but like everyone else, the pandemic ruined that dream. Now, she finally gets to go! This trip has been years in the making.
I actually get to lead a team from a local church, called Long Hollow, to Viana. That is Lynna and I’s first stop for the summer. Long Hollow was recently known for baptizing over 1000 people in 2021. Long Hollow is an amazing place with some really incredible people. I have led worship there many times.
After we leave Spain, we are heading to France to help with the training of nearly 100 college aged students for the Ten2 Project. Sound familiar? haha you probably think I sound like a broken record with the words “Ten2 Project”. But, this is what the entire year leads up to. It leads up to this moment, and it is a huge goal for this to be an incredible start for the students.
Last year in Kosovo wasn’t the best start. I will commit to not almost dying of electrocution this summer but who freaking knows what will happen. Pray for me. This is the Lord’s work we are stepping into and the enemy hates it.
I was not ok.
lol lets try and NOT do that again.
France is an incredible time for these students. For some of them, this is the first time they are in Europe. They begin their mission journey with plenty of worship, getting discipled, eating amazing food, enjoying beautiful mountains, and creating life long friendships. I made a promise in 2019 that I would be back to that amazing place, and here I go. I am a man of my word. 😁
I found out recently that I will be teaching the message of the “Heart and Mission of GEM” to these students. Pray for me!
After training is finished, we are looking to go serve refugees. It is obvious that there is plenty of work to be done in Ukraine and around Ukraine. Pray for us as we are trying to figure out a solid approach to this plan. There is still much to be figured out. 5 million refugees have crossed into neighboring countries since the start of this horrific war. We want to help anyway that we can.
After we potentially work with refugees, we will head back to what was home for three months for me in 2019. Teesside and Sunderland, England! You can click that button below and read about my time in Sunderland and Teesside.
Some exciting news that is happening with Lynna and I, we are stepping into storytelling quite a bit this summer. We purchased a camera for Lynna. We are very excited about this! The world is sharing every story online now, and Lynna gets to be apart of the story of what God is doing in Europe through photography.
I get to expand the Ten2 Project podcast in the fall for a relaunch and rebrand to host this podcast for the entire mission! Stay tuned! I will be recording many episodes this summer but not really releasing until the fall of this year.
There will be many days of serving local churches, hosting events to build the familiarity of the church in the community, serving refugees because they are everywhere in Europe, praying, leading worship, telling stories, discipling the Americans on the ground, and whatever else the Lord sees fit.
After the bulk of our summer, we will meet in Greece with the 100 young adults that just served all over Europe. We believe that every movement of God begins with a moment. So we will do a “moments to movements” tour with all the young adults that were brave enough to stick it out for the summer.
Following Greece, Greater Europe Mission has a conference every year where all of the, nearly 500, missionaries gather and pray, worship, debrief, celebrate, and connect with each other. This year it is in Slovenia. We are very excited it is happening in person this year!
We will leave Slovenia and attend another conference from our sending church, Brentwood Baptist. We attend a regional campus of Brentwood called The Church at Ave South. This conference is gathering all of the global workers Brentwood Baptist has sent and we are grateful to be a part of such a wonderful church that prays and believes in us! These pics below are our church praying over us as we are sent. We are very grateful!