Dear , Young American Worship Leaders
Why do you lead worship? Who trusted you with a congregation? Do you know the honor and privilege you are given every single week? Do you know the power of the weapon you hold?
I am in search of worship leaders to reach the nations. And in my search I have been blessed to meet a handful of those leaders who are genuine in their approach. The ones who know what biblical worship is. The ones who realize that they have the capability of shifting the atmosphere in the room. The ones who shepherd their congregation and band every week. The ones who have a heart to reach the lost with their love songs for our Father.
But let me discuss the majority. I have found musicians who use worship as a tool to get on stage to be seen. Let’s get something really clear. There is a massive difference in being a singer and a worship leader. There is a difference in writing songs to the Lord out of the overflow of your love for him, and writing to get your song on the radio. There is a difference in playing the drums and leading on the drums. You can absolutely slay a guitar solo, but something about it means way more when you know who you’re playing for.
I meet so many who say they are worship leaders or aspire to be one. But after years of observation, I see in the heart of most that these worship leaders do not want to be worship leaders for any church or congregation outside of America. In 2020 it’s not impossible to find a job as a worship leader or music minister at a church with a comfortable salary. To which I rebuttal, Christianity is not about being comfortable. Worship is not about being comfortable.
Do you want to be a worship leader or just an American one?
Im not ignorant to believe that all will leave everything and go to the nations. But why don’t we? Jesus tells us to! I’ll never forget the conversation I had with a gentleman who displayed amazing talent, great stage presence, and a seemingly genuine heart for Jesus while he led us in worship. I walk up to him, I introduce myself and get to know him a bit and then say, “Man, I could really use you this summer in Europe. Worship almost doesn’t exist and churches are dying. They are desperate for worship leaders. They need Jesus because the message of the gospel is absent in most regions. What do you say?” He replies, “Ah man, wow. Thats crazy, but I can’t in the summers.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because I fly to Chicago every other week to lead.” I realized his mind was made up before he even shook my hand. He was committed. I mean the dude was insanely talented. Thats okay. I was committed for two years to a church too. “Thanks bro. Keep leading well.” I said, as I walked away. Then in my mind all I can think of is $$$.
Dang. I was jealous for a minute. “That would be awesome.” I thought. “Huge church. Fat paycheck. My songs on the radio. An easy and comfortable life. Because now I raise the money I get. I have no security with money really. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’ll go anywhere for you Lord.”
As time passed I started to meet more and more people just like the gent I met. The term “Worship leader” now has a huge American halo surrounding it. Then as months passed, I realized that the Lord honors the one who gives up everything. Read Matthew 4:20. It says, “They immediately they left what they were doing and followed Jesus.” His first disciples literally left everything, even their father they were working with, and followed Jesus. Most Americans, even American christians say, “That’s crazy! You need a backup plan!” Well, I guess that would make things more comfortable wouldn’t it? You know, get on a stage to build up your craft only to pursue a music career in the secular industry? Or, my favorite is worship leaders who seek the fame. The paycheck naturally comes with it also. Famous worship leaders. Famous American worship leaders. Is that what we really want? “The last will be first”, Jesus says in Matthew 20:16.
I have made a decision that I will no longer desire or require money for when I lead worship. People didn’t 25 years ago. God provided for those who worshipped in His tabernacle day and night and He will provide for me too. I never did it for the money in the first place, but I definitely had a desire to lead for those who paid me over those who did not. I am so done with the worship “industry”. We have turned our praises into a market of egos, greed, and a certain “sound”. Most songs are vague statements about the attributes we only like about God. His love, his mercy, his grace (all amazing things). Saving us from “the valley” and leading us to “the mountaintops”. No! God is more than love! He is a judge, He is the God of ALL nations. He is the God who allows suffering. I’m not condemning you if you get a paycheck for leading at your church, but just know that you have a DREAM job. Even if you only make 10k a year like I did, you are blessed and HIGHLY favored. And you make more money than 84% of the world.
So my message to you, American worship leader as you read this:
If you lead a congregation, disciple them well. Take your band out to dinner. Pray for and with your pastor. Lead worship in your living room 100 times as much as you lead the Sundays on stage. If you contract musicians on Sundays, make sure their heart is in the right place. Write songs for your congregation. Have a relationship with your congregation. Write the stories of the people you lead for. The Lord delights way more in the love song of your heart rather than the heart song of someone else. Pray about leaving everything, trusting Jesus fully, and helping the nations who have no worship leaders.
If you lead just because you can sing or play or are a beginner, learn why you sing and play. Learn about the Tabernacle of David. Read 1 & 2 Chronicles and 1 & 2 Samuel. Learn about Solomon’s temple in 1 Kings. Read about the prophets. Get on your knees alone and sing/play to the Lord. Your biggest stage should be the one alone with the Lord with the door shut. Pray about leaving everything, trusting Jesus fully, and helping the nations who have no worship leaders.
If you lead with an underlying heart of trying to get famous or just for a paycheck. Be honest with yourself. Chase the American music dream and leave worship behind. The Lord deserves better than half hearted worship leaders. I promise you that the Lord’s heart for the nations is bigger than his heart for the size of your paycheck. You also should pray about leaving everything, trusting Jesus fully, and helping the nations who have no worship leaders.
Let’s change the world.