The Roaring Twenties

Did you start that new diet? Did you start a year long bible reading plan? Join a gym? Aspire to be greater than you already are? Good. Now just be consistent and you’ll see results probably around the same time in 2021.

Forget the new year goals. 50% of Americans have already given up on theirs for 2020.

What are your goals for this decade? Dream big with me.

Can I tell you mine?

  • Start a worship movement via local churches in Europe

  • Lead worship in over 50 countries

  • Move to France and start a church

  • Lead worship for a group of 1000+ muslim converts in the same area

  • Read 200 books

  • Recruit over 1000 young people to join us on mission in Europe

  • get my abs back

Haha that last one is kind of a joke (but not really). Who told you that you cannot make goals for completely new decade? Have you ever thought about it? Technically, you can do this every year, but there is something different to me about 2020. Each day will be a fresh start to conquer with new goals and the pursuit of the seemingly impossible ones you just saw me write about.

Stop looking at each year as a fresh start and start looking at each day as one. Statistically, over half of the people who had New Years goals have already given up. Why? Because its easy to give up. They were looking long term rather than looking at the moment. Today is all you have. So achieve greatness today.

I am crazy enough to believe I can make a difference and change the world. In 2019 I learned who believed in me and who called me crazy. The ones who I thought cared the most did not even respond at all. I’ve met complete strangers who care more about me than some of my own family does. Is that a surprise? It was at first, but then I learned that people will always be there for you when you succeed and tell you “I told you so” when you fail.

You will be doubted, people may hate you, call you stupid, lazy, and its gonna be so difficult. But the one who gets you out of bed everyday is you. It starts from within. Conquering each moment and taking every thought captive to what is truth. Its a battle, and I’m done losing.

Over the new year I heard an inspiring message about the “Roaring Twenties”. It was a memorable time for many. It roared like a lion. Lions are also my favorite animal. They roar to show dominance and pride and majesty over an area or another pride of lions. So I am approaching this decade just like a lion. The wise philosopher Katy Perry once said, “I am a champion & you’re gonna hear me roar.” 🐯

This decade is absolutely gonna hear me roar. Let’s go.

Nathan Mell