Walking in my Vision
“This train is suspended and wont be going to Newcastle Airport. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
I heard these words two hours before my flight to France while in the middle of a train ride from Thornaby to Newcastle Airport. I quickly hopped off and realized I was in Sunderland, England. Sunderland is where I am currently serving and will be for the next 7 weeks. It was almost like God was saying, “You’ll be here anyways, so I thought id get you to start praying early.” I did start praying, but it wasn’t for the city. It was for a miracle to catch my flight. Here I was in a city I had never been to, no phone service, and no idea how I was going to get to the airport. So I went into emergency mode and turned my phone off airplane mode to access data. (sorry to my phone bill) I called for an Uber which cost me 47 pounds. (My train ticket was 14). My trip wasn’t off to a good start. Luckily I made it in time and the airline didn’t even charge me for bringing my guitar on board. So you definitely win some and you lose some.
After flying from Newcastle to Dusseldorf to Lyon (with a quick German “meal” in the Dusseldorf airport) I made it to absolutely perfect weather in Lyon. Drove two hours in the night to the French Alps and woke up to the most gorgeous view I have ever seen.
I spent a week in the French Alps at Camp des Cimes. 60 young missionaries from all over the United States came together for a week of discipleship training, team building, and worship before being sent off all over Europe for mission this summer. I had the absolute privilege and honor to lead worship for these sessions. It was incredible. These people love Jesus. Leading them in worship was so amazing.
Some of you know about the first vision that I ever had about France. After I met Jesus two years ago, I asked the Lord what my purpose was. I was sitting in my living room on the couch and I just asked the Lord, “Where do you want me to go?” I had the idea, “Well I took 5 years of French.” So I asked, “France?”
Let me tell you, after I asked that question I felt something in my body that I had never felt before. It was the craziest experience I have ever had in my life. It literally took my breath away. Two years later I am hiking the French alps and leading a dozen worship services in that country.
I walked in that vision this past week. Overwhelmed is an understatement.
After Many discipleship sessions, prayer meetings, and worshipping together, we were sent out to 10 different cities to work with local churches, organizations, and other planted missionaries in areas in Europe.
Im now in Sunderland, England. Im staying with an incredible family that welcomed me as their own. This past week was packed with so much. Meeting new people, going all over the city on mission and walking in my purpose for this season. I am working with a church called Sunderland Community which was planted not too long ago. I am going into schools with an organization called Wearside Youth for Christ to tell students about Jesus. All religions are taught in England schools but I believe that Jesus is King and is the truth the way and the life. So we are sharing that with these students.
This region of the world is so lost. Seasonal depression is rampant because it rains so much and hot weather is not very common. Drug and alcohol addiction is common. Churches are literally dying. Young people say that God and Jesus is a myth. Its lost and broken. Im so glad that I am here. I hope and pray that while I am here I can be an effective weapon for the kingdom of God.
This is the church I am serving at. They partner with a Methodist church to host church on Sundays at 5pm. Even though they are not methodists, the Methodist church still allows them to host church. It’s beautiful to see how they help with another church plant. Its all about winning souls for Jesus.
One week down, six to go. I am working hard and walking worthy. This is what I was made for.